BERLIN The German-Japanese Treaty was signed this morning by Herr von Ribbentrop as extraordinary plenipotentiary of the Reich on behalf of Herr Hitler, the Chancellor, and by Viscount Mushakoji, the Japanese Ambassador in Berlin. As I reported last week, it is directed against the Moscow Communist International. The treaty is a document containing three articles and a supplementary protocol of three paragraphs. It provides for an exchange of information between the two Governments upon the activities of the Communist International and for consultation and co-operation in measures of defence against it. Provision is made for the adhesion of other States to the agreement. A permanent commission is to be created for common action against the International. The two States are to take within their own laws Òsevere measures against those who, at home or abroad, are working directly or indirectly in the serviceÓ of the Comintern. The treatyÕs term is five years. The most interesting parts of the treaty are the second article and the third paragraph in the protocol, providing respectively for the adhesion of other States and for the permanent commission, which, it is believed here, makes the treaty much more than a simple police agreement. Here is seen the technical means for the expansion of the Òanti-Bolshevik front.Ó Apart from the dependencies of the three anti-Bolshevik Powers, Germany hopes for and aims at obtaining the adhesion of Rumania and possibly of Poland. To detach Rumania from her agreement with Russia, and completely to undo the work of M. Titulescu, would, from the German view, be in itself a great triumph, and, additionally, a big step towards the bigger and remote goal of getting rid of the Franco-Russian Pact, if and when a favourable opportunity should occur, through the formation of a Government of the Right in France. The importance of the standing commission is that it is capable of keeping the German-Japanese treaty very much alive by what might be described as a species of permanent political general staff discussions. BRINGING IN THE EAST It is a curious thing in more ways than one that Nazi Germany now brings in the yellow race to help save the white civilisation of the West in whose Nordic realms Germany constitutes so important a part. It indicates how very broad the German conception of the Aryan fold in practice is. This is further illustrated by the enthusiasm for the victories of General FrancoÕs North African colonial troops over the white militiamen of the Madrid Government. Japan was by no means always universally popular in Nazi Germany. Until recently one of the partyÕs best-known spokesmen was propagating the doctrine that it was suicidal for the white races of Europe to quarrel. Their interests would be better served, he used to say, by uniting against the yellow peril.